Face to face with Maria Teresa –

Sales Department

In the company, all of our teams collaborate with each other to ensure the achievement of corporate objectives. Today we interviewed Maria Teresa, part of the Nardini sales team.

How did your adventure in Nardini begin?

I am a new entry, arrived only 3 years ago, and I take care of the commercial part of the company. In particular, I deal with offers, spare parts management (both for Italy and abroad), I make sure that orders are fulfilled and I deal with customers on a daily basis.

How is the company viewed by customers?

What customers often tell me, and of which we are very proud, is that Nardini is a company that supplies quality and cutting-edge machinery.

How do you find working in a team?

I feel very comfortable in the sales office team. Teamwork for me is a lifeblood, both with historical and more recent people, as it is always a good opportunity to learn something and grow.

What is the added value you perceive here?

The added value of the company that is immediately noticeable is its historicity and tenacity, compared to other realities that I have experienced. However, we must always continue to evolve, starting from our solid historical base.

What motivates you in your daily work?

What drives me to work every day is: to understand this metalworking part, to be able to understand every day something more about what we offer and how it is produced.

What is the challenge you face every day?

It is a continuous challenge, aimed at growth and improvement. I believe it is important to come together and find the right means to bring home concrete results.

How do you define Nardini?

In two words: tenacious and determined.